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Covid Policy

Keeping our guests and staff safe and secure in light of the Covid-19 landscape

We at Tipis are acutely aware of the fact that you, our guests, and our staff, are having to adjust to a strange new world in the current climate, and you will notice certain measures that we have put in place to protect all of us when you come for your meal.

We want you to relax and enjoy your visit rather than worry, so rest assured that the following steps are being taken to keep you safe.

We’re checking on the health and wellbeing of our team daily

Before our team starts their day we are asking them to inform us if they are feeling unwell, and if so we ask them to stay home and get better soon. We take their temperature on arrival to work, and ask them how they are getting on in these uncertain times.

We’ve limited the numbers of guests we can accommodate

In order to maintain social distancing, and to enable our team to service your table safely we have changed our standard seating layout and furniture completely. We’ve set a maximum number of arrivals and bookings are limited to 15-minute intervals. Tipis dining area is blessed with natural ventilation, and our tri-fold doors in the reception room can be opened fully on request.

We’re adhering to NHS Test and Trace guidelines

At least one member of your party will have been asked to enter their contact details into our online booking system when confirming your booking. We are displaying an official NHS QR code poster at our concierge desk, and ask for every guest who has downloaded the NHS Test and Trace App to check in on arrival.

We’ve increased signage to inform you of changes

There are a number of posters displaying the correct way to clean your hands effectively in all of our public washroom facilities, along with signs asking you to sanitise your hands after touching any multiple contact areas, and information on how we are managing procedures to help minimise the risk of transmission.

We’d like to keep things paperless

In line with our commitment to keeping our carbon footprint low, we have put our entire menu onto an App which can be accessed through scanning our menu QR code. We encourage you to use this App, however will provide a paper menu and take your order from you at the table if you would like.

We’re going to look a little different than before

In addition to our existing uniform, our team will all be wearing full face visors and disposable gloves whilst we service your tables, but don’t worry we are still the same happy people underneath.

We’ve increased our cleaning schedules

Our standard high level of hygiene has been increased and you will see our team regularly cleaning public areas. We clean and sanitise our hands between tasks, and fully disinfect the venue’s contact points every night after you leave.

We also ask that you…

Inform us if you are feeling unwell

If you, or someone you are living with, is suffering from symptoms that may be Covid-19 related please contact us so that we can rearrange your booking. Please do not come if you are in any doubt.

Do not interact with other parties whilst you are here

It is important that we all observe the Rule of 6, and if you see or know other guests at Tipis, please resist the temptation to break the law.

Sanitise your hands on entry and exit of the venue, and when using the toilets

We have provided hand sanitising stations at all entry and exit points to the venue, and in all public toilets, so please feel free to use them liberally.

Remain seated wherever possible

Unfortunately, our bar is currently not able to service guests in situ, but instead we will be providing a full table service. So whether you are seated in our reception area, or at your dining table, we would like you to remain seated wherever possible. When you do need to leave your seat, you will need to wear a face covering whilst moving around.

Let us know if you are not able to come or are running late

We have tried hard to ensure that your booking time is allocated in order for you to arrive so that your passage in and around Tipis is as safe and comfortable as possible. However, we know that things can happen at the last minute, so would just like to ask you to let us know of any changes as soon as possible so that we can adjust our timings accordingly.

Our full risk assessment is available upon request and we review our measures with the team on a very regular basis. Please tell us if there’s anything else we can do to help make your visit to Tipis safer or more enjoyable by emailing tipis@glow-events.com.